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Mary Magdalene joins us for Lent

Photo of a heart painted on wooden boards.
What is your heart telling you?

In my meditation, I run up to Mary Magdalene on the beach and wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. I haven't talked to her since we wrote together "The Way of the Rose," which I'm busily creating into an e-book. I slide my arm into hers as we stroll towards a murky Mt. Baker.


I've missed you! You know, I want to begin writing about Lent. What are your thoughts about that?

Mary Magdalene:

Well, of course, we didn't have those days in my time but we did have Passover. I believe it is important for people to find time each day for themselves to think about things. While that is important any day, there are certain times of the year that it can be more of a practice, a ritual.


Yes, I agree. Personally, I want it to be a time of renewal. I want to get back to a sense of real daily pilgrimage. Awareness of being on the path.

Mary Magdalene:

Yes. You have so many distractions in your world! I hear talking about "letting go" of things or "giving up" things. I think it is important to think about letting go of what isn't working in your life or what doesn't serve.

For example, are you living in a way that honors who you are? Who you want to be?

Each day, let's talk about a single topic. Today we start with LOVE. Here are some questions:

  • What do you LOVE about your relationship with Spirit, God, or your True Self?

  • What is working in this relationship? Is there a way to enrich your connection?

  • Take a deep breath and focus on your heart. Ask your heart: what do you most desire?


I like that. My heart said, "Expression!"

Mary Magdalene:

Your heart wants you to share your experiences with us! I want people to know that they can reach me anytime. Just ask for me with a sincere heart and I'll be there to listen. Tell me what your heart desires and I will help you find your answers.

Mary, becoming thoughtful:

It may help people to put something out on a table to remind themselves to take the time out. A statue, bring in something outside from a garden or a pretty rock or shell. We are here to help clear the way so you can see your path. And the most important thing: let people know that they are beloved!


Thank you, Mary. I will. We look forward to your wisdom during Lent. You are such a blessing!



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