Meet Sally
Sally’s journey to the unseen realms began in 2011 when she listened to Oprah & Deepak guided meditations as a daily practice. After several months, her inner sight came to life so she sought the help of energy intuitive Suzanne Ragan Lentz to make sense of her new world. They still work together today.
Since then, she relocated to Orcas Island on the advice of her white horse guide Winslow going “all in” : purchasing a home on North Beach, undergoing a massive renovation, installing a labyrinth all the while learning that different areas of the land were a sacred connection to a Self Compassion course, the ultimate framework for anyone seeking a path to enlightenment. Her guides kept telling her that “how you live” is more important than “what you do,” but it took years for the steps within the steps to take form. Her world unwinds like a mandala. The wonder is still unfolding with each blog and newsletter.
Sally is a rare combination of religious docent and spiritual navigator. She received her master’s degree in Pastoral Studies from Seattle University in preparation for a 2nd career in hospital chaplaincy, when a multiple sclerosis diagnosis took her in an unchartered direction as an advocate and teacher. As a natural meditator, she communes in the world of the ascended masters including Mary Magdalene, Gandhi, Leonardo DaVinci and Jesus. As a toolmaker, she takes the lessons from her conversations and experiments in mediumship and applies her talent to different forms of healing, including body-speak, self-compassion exercises, and ancestral work. Her personal experience from family trauma of alcoholism, codependency, and incest lend authenticity to the depths of her empathy. Her travels alone from the “sticky” labels of bipolar illness and MS-from disease to dis-ease to health to wellness alone-are worth the read. A gritty and at times hilarious counselor and writer, she offers something magical to anyone in search of wholeness and light: a path to your own inner lighthouse.
Remember, we all house the light. ^_^
My Inner Lighthouse
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