Wabi-sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is the beauty of things modest and humble."
— Leonard Koren, Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers

Wabi-sabi is an ancient Japanese concept that speaks to a philosophy and way of seeing beauty in a way that is counter to our modernist tendencies. It is a great lens to look at Spring in a new light. I am not a Spring person but I do feel like I’ve entered a Spring season in my life. When I take a walk in the woods around Gentlewood, I discover the horsetails have broken ground, the stinging nettle sprigs have separated and are grasping for sunlight. The tree frogs and the water frogs compete for full dominance of the airwaves. This is the season that I remember who I am so I can tend to my roots and strengthen my heart. Today in meditation, JC emphasized that I am both human and divine, just like him. With a gentle smile, he said that our daily presence is chiefly what we offer the world. Silently, we walked a footpath in the nearby woods together. One Gift of the Season: RENEWAL The presence he speaks of here is the soul self. The witness. The one who watches from behind the eyes. That witness is always there and is our thread in the magnificent fabric deeply woven throughout all beings, everywhere. We just need to be still to settle into it. Breathe. Spring tends to be a ramping up season but instead, just for a time, notice. Mother Nature isn’t perfect. She is always in a process of evolving and devolving, just as we are. She is whole. Just as we are. The secret for us is attuning. Opening to the background of what’s happening all around us. Renewal. Growth. Change. And in some cases, deep evolution and transformation. When I work with clients, I use a process I call the A-B-C’s. This stands for Awareness-Boundaries-Compassion. As I help folks become more aware of their journey and their footsteps, I help them foster an attitude of acceptance for the way-things-are. Sometimes, there are lightening moments, when there is an awakening. An instant expansion. An aha! This is renewal in action. Spring is the awakening season. She only asks us to stop and notice. Notice that chartreuse in the aspen leaves. Nature is our grand example that divinity is everywhere so how can it not be in us? We always have been whole and perfectly imperfect. Accepting our imperfections, our Wabi-sabi selves, allows awakening to reveal. Renewal can be observed. When we are lucky, it is a felt experience. One Practice: WALKING MEDITATION Each of us has our go-to self-care practices that help to restore and refresh. We tend to abandon them to busyness or the dormancy of winter. Look into your tool kit and see what you want to pick back up and dust off. For me, it’s getting back to a daily walking practice. A slower walking meditation is a nice choice to grow your ability to relax, focus and expand your awareness. This isn’t a walk for exercising your physical muscles but to stretch your perception. Try taking the usual circuit near your home at about half your usual pace or venture on a new path. Telescope into the areas that catch your eye or ears the most. As you explore with your senses, breathe in deeply. Ask yourself a “wonder” question like, I wonder when a fiddlehead fern unfurls? [ Now there’s a tongue twister! ^_^ ] Step softly. Open your heart to the spectacle of nature and be in awe. Recharge and renew. One Reflection:
Which of your “roots” (beliefs, values, or intentions) needs tending?
What is trying to spring forth in your life?
Sally 206.909.3737 | My Inner Lighthouse | we all house the light ®